Reels Contest “RARE REELS: Pegaso goes digital!”

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italian National Institute of Health), through the Laboratory of Health Humanities of the National Centre for Rare Diseases (, and UNIAMO Federazione Italiana Malattie Rare (, Italian Agency for Youth (, All Digital (, and the Creative Skills Week ( have come together to promote the new edition of the Reels contest “RARE REELS: Pegaso goes digital”.

Prepare for an explosion of imagination and passion! “RARE REELS: Pegaso goes digital!” is a Reels Contest (in Italian and English), which aims to combine creativity and digital to promote awareness of rare diseases among young people. What is a rare disease for you? Unleash your ideas in the digital world to raise awareness about rare diseases, create empathy, and spread messages that challenge stereotypes. Let’s conquer Instagram with your short and engaging videos (15-30 seconds)! WHEN? The wait is over! The official launch was on September 18, 2024, during the Creative Skills Week 2024, and you will have until November 18, 2024, to invade Instagram with your Reels. A full two months of pure creative magic… online! During this period, your Reels videos will be the beacon that guides attention to rare diseases!

Make your mark on Instagram. Upload your Reels videos to your profile, use the hashtag #playrare, and tag @healthhumanitieslab_ISS to be part of this awareness revolution. Multiply the impact by involving friends, family, and followers: your voice will expand far beyond digital boundaries. WHY? It’s time to shake consciences and contribute personally to rare diseases, giving voice and space to young people. “RARE REELS: Pegaso goes digital!” represents the evolution of the literary and artistic competition “Il Volo di Pegaso” (“The Flight of Pegasus”), to combine art and science and involve Instagram and Reels videos to reach more people, conveying emotions instantly and transforming awareness of rare diseases into a global movement of solidarity and transformation.
We are all protagonists! Not only those who live with rare diseases can participate, but also those who still do not know them have a fundamental role in creating awareness.
Put your talent into play: unleash your creativity in the creation of Reels, conveying emotions, scientific knowledge, stories… touch people’s hearts and leave a lasting impression. Your efforts will be rewarded.
The Jury (to be revealed in the coming months!), along with social engagement metrics (likes, comments, views), will choose the best Reels. The winners will be announced and awarded during the celebrations for Rare Disease Day (February, 2025) at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Rome) with the following prizes: –

  • 4 days at the Social Hackathon Umbria 2025 (SHU2025) promoted by EGInA (Italian member of All Digital), which will take place in July, 2025 in Umbria Region, Italy) [voucher covering travel expenses (up to €300), board and lodging]. Experience a multicultural immersive experience in the green heart of Italy to combine digital, culture and health.
  • 1 day as a researcher at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità [voucher covering travel expenses up to €300]. Live a day as a researcher: visit the ISS Museum, discover how to promote health by combining arts and sciences, what are the neurobiological bases of stress, how to use artificial intelligence to analyze data for science.
  • 1 cultural experience (concerts, performances, events) [TicketOne voucher worth €250]. Starting with the creation of Reels focused on the world of associations, let yourself be carried into the arts with UNIAMO! (Did you know they took part in FantaSanremo last year?! Who knows what surprises await in 2025…).
  • AIG Special Prize. A European opportunity provided by the Italian Agency for Youth to empower young people. An exciting journey waiting to be discovered! – CSW Special Prize. Participation in the 2025 edition of the Creative Skills Week. Where and when will it take place in Europe? Stay tuned to find out! … and many gadgets for the contest participants present at the award ceremony! Your voice and your creativity can make a difference. Use the power of Reels videos, reach a global audience on Instagram, and leave your mark on the history of rare diseases. Join us on this adventure to build a more inclusive, supportive, and aware future. Turn on your smartphone camera, get ready to share your story, and inspire the whole world with your Reels!

    … and many gadgets for the contest participants present at the award ceremony! Your voice and your creativity can make a difference. Use the power of Reels videos, reach a global audience on Instagram, and leave your mark on the history of rare diseases. Join us on this adventure to build a more inclusive, supportive, and aware future. Turn on your smartphone camera, get ready to share your story, and inspire the whole world with your Reels!

    #playrare #PegasoGoesDigital

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