
A European Grants International Academy Srl tem uma experiência de longo prazo na criação e coordenação de parcerias estratégicas para a implementação de projectos financiados por fundos públicos e privados. A EGInA coopera com uma equipa de gestores de projectos especializada na gestão e informação de fundos estruturais e centralizados da Comissão Europeia. Todos eles têm formação académico-profissional nos domínios da educação e formação profissional, inovação digital com impacto social, valorização do património cultural e desenvolvimento sustentável.


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  • Cobertura geográfica

  • Tópico do projeto

  • Tipologia do projecto

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  • Estado do projeto

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  • Resultados da pesquisa

In-Salads, Promoting Sustainable Food and Healthy Nutrition through Intercultural Salads Exchange

The Erasmus+ project “In-Salads” aims to promote sustainability in the field of food and nutrition by involving adults and their educators in a process of

Natural Origins, Promoting Entrepreneurship among Young People with Migrant Background, focusing on the Trade of Natural Products


The project aims to foster the social inclusion of young people with a migrant background through the development of an entrepreneurial mindset that supports them

DHeLiDA, Digital Health Literacy for Disadvantaged Adults Digital


The project DHeLiDA: Digital Health Literacy for Disadvantaged Adults is a European cooperation project aimed at improving the digital health literacy among vulnerable target groups,

WINBIZ, Women’s Innovative Business Incubation Zone

The WINBIZ project involves migrant women or women with a non-Western background, with medium-high levels of education, in a training pathway aimed at enabling the

AGROGEN, the Mountain Agriculture as an opportunity for Youth

AGROGEN is a strategic partnership for youth that aims to the exchange of good practices in order to offer non-formal, practical, and tailor-made training to

The Missing Entrepreneurs, promoting capacity building of Missing Entrepreneurs for inclusive digital entrepreneurship and digital transformation of businesses

The project is based on the latest OECD report on “The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019 – Policies for inclusive entrepreneurship” that highlights the presence of under-represented

Cores, Charter of Common Refugee Strategies

“CORES: Charter of Common Refugee Strategies” is a European cooperation project that aims to help newly arrived refugees and the professionals working with them. CORES